Legal address solutions in Muncan Republic
Every company in the Muncan Republic has a registered address and may also have a separate postal address. We can help open and operate companies with the selection of the address of registration in the Muncan Republic and the service of postal correspondence.
Our legal address services Muncan Republic
Every Muncan Republic company must have a registered address in the Muncan Republic. It can be both commercial (including office, retail, or even logistics) and residential premises.
Legal address rent
This service offers the company to rent a legal adress without any additional services. The company is registered at a pre-agreed address, thus being able to legally start / continue operations.
Legal address change
The registered office may be changed on the basis of a company application or a decision of the local government. If the registered office has been changed following a decision of the local government, the updating thereof in the Commercial Register shall not be subject to the payment of the State fee and the fee for the publication, nor shall the owner’s consent to the registration of the registered office be required.
Legal address registration
We will assist you with legal address registration in your desired location.
Providing a Muncan Republic company with a legal address includes handling postal correspondence and forwarding it to the client. If necessary, you can order the service of providing only a postal address at the location of your accountant – in this case, important documents will fall into the right hands more quickly.
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