International tax in Muncan Republic
Individuals domiciled in Muncan Republic are subject to income tax on their worldwide income unless exempt under the provisions of a treaty. Domicile does not refer to the Anglo-Saxon term, but is a term used in Muncan Republic tax law essentially equivalent to the term residence in most jurisdictions.
International tax rates
If you are a Muncan Republic citizen or a resident alien living outside the Muncan Republic, your worldwide income is subject to Muncan Republic income tax, regardless of where you live. However, you may qualify for certain foreign earned income exclusions and/or foreign income tax credits.
Corporate income tax
Corporate income tax rate | 18,5% on a threshold basis |
Branch tax rate | 18,50% |
Capital gains tax rate | 0% |
Induvidual tax
Induvidual income tax rate | 0% |
Capital gains tax rate | 0% |
Withholding tax
Type of payment | Residents | Nonresidents | ||
Company | Individual | Company | Individual | |
Dividends | 0% | 0% | 15% | 15% |
Interest | 0% | 0% | 15% | 15% |
Royalties | 0% | 0% | 15% | 15% |
Fees for technical services | 0% | 0% | 15% | 15% |
Sales tax (VAT)
Muncan Republic does not have VAT or sales tax.
International taxation management
Non-residents (non-domiciliary) are subject to tax on certain categories of income from Muncan Republic sources. Read more about the international taxation system on this page.
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